How many will enter into the Kingdom of God?
Only God knows the exact number.
Matthew 7:14
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
This study is to discover for ourselves the possible percentage that will gain the Kingdom of Heaven and why so few will find it. To get an idea we have an example in the Old Testament. This story spans several chapters and verses so I will not be including the entire text here, instead I will paraphrase the story. If the reader wants to read this very interesting story it is found in Numbers and early chapters of Deuteronomy. Start in Numbers chapter 13 if you want to read the entire story.
The Lord had spoken to Moses to send men into the land of Canaan to scout it out in order to discover how rich the land was. There were men selected from every tribe. Included among these men were Joshua and Caleb. The men were in Canaan for forty days and when they returned there were reports of a land that was bountiful and rich but there were also reports of giants in the land (like Goliath).
All the children of Israel rebelled against God and desired to return to Egypt instead of trusting God to give them the land. They were cowards and faithless men. Only Joshua and Caleb wanted to go in and take the land, only these two did not rebel and trusted in God completely. God said that of all the men of Israel above the age of twenty none would enter into the promised land save for these two men. This is why the children of Israel had to wander the wilderness for forty years (a year for every day the scouts were in Canaan).
In Numbers chapter 7 we see that the number of men of Israel over twenty years old and able to go to war at this time was 603,550. Of all these only TWO were allowed to enter the Promised Land (Heaven), Joshua and Caleb.
If only two men out of this number reached the Promised Land; which in this study equates to the Kingdom of God, we can see that one out of 301,775 is the average number of people that will make it to Heaven. Those are short odds. Are you really following God’s will or are you deluding yourself?
The next question is why will there be so few given the number of Christians in today’s world, not counting the trillions that have passed on before. The answer is the same as from this example of the children of Israel. Many proclaim to be of Christ yet their fruits do not show that this is true. To be truly of Christ it must come from the heart. True faith, belief, and a desire to be with God has got to be in your heart. If you do not hunger and thirst for the truth in the word of God then you probably do not have the love of Christ in your heart. If you do not learn the word of God Satan can destroy you simply because you are open to deception.
God knows your heart and you cannot fool Him. Paying lip service to God will only get you praises from man. This may make you happy in the flesh body but when judgment comes you will be left holding the bag. God does not compromise.
If you do not trust God to take care of your needs you are not giving your life to God. Your life belongs to God, He can take it at anytime. The point I am trying to make here is there are way too many self proclaimed Christians that do not have the Holy Spirit in them yet truly believe they are justified in God’s word. Many believe that they can live outside the will of God and still inherit the kingdom of God. That was the mistake of the children of Israel. God showed His miracles, His love, His promises and even the Promised Land yet they were in a continual state of rebellion against Him.
I cannot and will not attempt to judge anyone but it is my duty to help everyone I can to discover what his or her relationship is with God. You can do this simply by honestly answering this question:
Do I hunger and search diligently for the truth of the Word of God and do I make sure that those that teach me are teaching me the truth by checking my heart and the love letter God sent, the Holy Bible? Do not be deceived, learn God's truth.
God bless the reader with understanding and love.