The Truth of The REAL Beginning
Only for those that truly seek God’s Truth.
Scripture is in Red, Comments are in black.
Many things took place in eternity past before the earth, as we know it, was formed. A lot of these activities are not talked about in the Bible and many that are mentioned have been misread, misunderstood or corrupted by mankind or Satan.
We know God is eternity past, present and future. What is left out of the Bible about eternity past? For one thing, the Bible does not relate a time frame as to when the angels and other heavenly beings were created. Also, I have not yet found a time reference when Satan and one third of the angels rebelled and were cast out of heaven, nor how long it was between their creation and this event.
Why are there gaps in the Bible? There are many reasons but I think the most important one is brevity. If everything were included in the Bible no man could possibly get past the first chapter, as it is no man can read and discern the entire meaning of the Bible in a lifetime. Another reason is the Bible was written for the salvation of man. This is the primary importance of the Bible. To put it in very brief terms if something in the past (heavenly or earthly) does not concern the salvation of man or Jesus in which case God left it out. For example: If you recall (or search it out), between the time of the death of Joseph and the coming of Moses there is about a four hundred year gap when nothing is mentioned about the Children of Israel during their captivity by the Egyptians. This is because any activity during this time was not relevant to Christ or the salvation of mankind. God did not include it because it was irrelevant to His Plan.
Food for thought: that is why the great pyramids and many other great historical findings and events are not mentioned in the Bible; they are not important to God’s plan. However there are hundreds of historical and scientific findings that ARE mentioned in the Bible, but that is another study.
This study is intended to shed new light on an old misconception about the creation of the earth. The earth as we know it now is a “reborn or renewed” earth, not the first creation of the earth. Yes Genesis IS about the creation of man and the fauna and flora but not the creation OF the earth itself. The first creation of the earth was totally flooded and destroyed which left nothing alive. If you desire the truth of God’s word please read on and don’t discount this out of hand, you may be amazed. If not you will at least have the opportunity to prove me wrong.
Keep in mind that in Genesis; Satan and his followers has already been cast out of heaven but to where, the earth perhaps? Allow God to guide you to the truth. Do not allow your own prejudices and traditions that were taught to you blind you to God’s truth. Let’s begin.
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
This sounds so simple and uninteresting. Many people never see what is hidden behind these words. In order to learn that which is hidden we need to open our eyes and minds to understanding and perception. Having said that let’s continue:
God is eternal, that is eternal past, present and future. The beginning mentioned in Genesis 1:1 is the beginning of the history of man, not God or the universe or even the earth. God does not mention precisely what happened before this world was formed (remember God is eternal past) but He reveals some parts of this mystery in many parts of the Holy Bible and we will get to those in due time. For now we need to discern what is said here and what is left out. For instance; one thing left out is: when in history past did God create the angels, cherubim, and other heavenly beings? This is not stated in Genesis but we know they were created before the book of Genesis begins. Why? Because Satan meets Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and he is already a fallen angel.
As you may know, the original manuscripts were written without punctuation marks or chapter and verses. The translators put in punctuation marks, verses and chapters. Lets read Genesis verses one and two a bit differently while remembering God is eternal past:
1. In the beginning (at an unknown time in eternity past) God created the heaven and the earth.
Verse 2 says: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
There are several things a person needs to notice here: The first is to understand that the word “was”: in the original manuscript is the Hebrew word “hayah” which has the definition of: to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out. This description says nothing about the earth being created this way. This word means became without form and void. The next thing to notice is the word “deep” which in the Hebrew manuscripts is the word “tĕhowm”. According to the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance this means: deep, depths, deep places, abyss, the deep, sea. So at this time (and because the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters) we know the earth is completely covered in water meaning it was flooded. This will be reinforced later. The next thing to notice is that the earth is without form and is void. Void here means: emptiness, void, waste. Now we can begin to understand what is said here more clearly. Bear with me on this please.
The next proof of the earth being flooded in Genesis is in: Genesis 1:9
And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. There was no dry land before this time, all water, ergo, flooded.
At this time the earth is obviously created but is flooded and a wasteland (it is empty) and there is no light (although “darkness upon the face of the deep” could refer to Satan, the prince of darkness).
I have heard some people respond to this by saying this was God beginning His work and it was not yet finished. That has a small bit of logic to it but if this were true, earth would have been completely empty, no water, nothing there ergo, waste. Everything else God does in the next few chapters and verses is a step‑by‑step explanation of what happened and what He created in what sequence. When God creates something like animals, plants and man it is a complete and perfect creation, there are no “steps” involved, also, there would be no reason for God to eliminate the mention of the creation of water; it is a VERY important element even to God as the Bible proves.
Now let’s read Genesis 1:1 as it should have been translated and read and understood:
1 In the beginning (at an unspecified time in eternity past) God created the heaven and the earth, (stop) (and after an unspecified amount of time)) The earth was (became) without form, and void; and darkness was (came to pass or happened) upon the face of the deep. (Stop), (again after an unspecified amount of time) And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Notice the word “was” also means to fall out. Who had a falling out? Satan rebelled and “fell” from heaven or at least from the grace of God. Some of Satan’s names are: prince of darkness, death, destruction and the desolator. Who do you think may have corrupted the earth and caused it’s original destruction or corruption or desolation? To fall out can also be thought of as an ending as in “the end of the old earth”. There are lots of meanings to that word “hayah”, think about that.
This tells us that God created the Heaven and Earth in perfection but the earth became imperfect or became corrupted. Everything God creates is perfect but many things God created became corrupt (man and Satan for instance). Something caused the earth to become corrupt and I believe God destroyed it with water because of that corruption. I am speaking about a total destruction here, not Noah’s flood, ergo: the “deep” and “void” (nothing on the earth), everything removed. How does man prove he is changed and no longer corrupt? By Baptism in water, ergo being reborn. Where else does the ritual of baptism come from? The earth was baptized by God Himself.
Why do I believe this is a renewal of the earth? Let’s read Genesis 9:1 which takes place after the flood of Noah and compare it to Genesis 1:27-28.
Genesis 9
1And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
Now go backwards and look at: Genesis 1:27-28:
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Notice the similarities? After the flood of Noah the earth needed to be replenished and it is the exact same wording when God “renewed” the earth after the earth had been so corrupted God had to destroy it in the FIRST TOTAL flood. The only difference being NOTHING survived the first flood and Noah and his family survived the second flood (briefly stated).
I know that is not enough to convince everyone so here is the next proof from:
2 Peter 3:5-7
5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Note that: “They willingly are ignorant of”, in other words they refuse to hear or believe the truth from God’s own word (false or under-educated teachers). By the word of God the heavens were of old (different, not the same as now, changed afterwards, no longer old, reborn) and “the earth standing out of water and in water” speaks of a total global flood. No one is ignorant of Noah’s flood so this is not the flood of Noah. Read on:
6 Whereby (by water) the world that then was (the world, eon or earth age that existed at that time), being overflowed with water (flooded), perished: In the original text perished here is the Greek word “apollymi”. The Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance defines this word as: to destroy, to put out of the way entirely, abolish, put an end to, ruin, render useless, to kill. If it is rendered useless nothing can live there again (unless God renews it) and nothing or no one can use it. This is a pretty serious and final end and the reason God would need to “renew” the earth. “The world that then was”…perished. There could not have been a world that was then if it had not passed away or been destroyed and a new (or renewed) one now exists. To continue:
7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, (no longer the same, new) by the same word (Word of God) are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment (the final judgment) and perdition of ungodly men. Why does this say: “But the heavens and EARTH which are NOW” unless it means there was an old earth or earth age and a new one that now exists and the one now existing is reserved unto fire?
Fire is the testing and purification used by God in many places in the Bible and when we combine this with God’s judgment, this indicates a third earth age coming when the earth will be cleansed again, this time by fire and for eternity. Remember three is the number of completion and this will be the third and final earth age.
There are thousands of false teachings, traditions from man and historical or theological mistakes and lies that attempt to destroy the truth the Bible teaches. Jesus warned us of those and this is why we need to search out the truth.
Why is this important to everyone on earth? Here is that answer:
We are speaking about something most people cannot comprehend which is choosing eternal life or eternal suffering. These flesh bodies are only vessels to carry the spirit body through this life with the hopes that our flesh and spirit minds wake up and choose to follow God. Most people do not want to admit there is a God because they do not want to have to answer to anyone for their misdeeds. We are no longer children where we can hide our heads under our blankets and the boogey man will go away. Satan and Hell are real. As an adult we all know we have to answer for our crimes and mistakes. On earth our crimes may go undetected and unpunished, but be aware, God KNOWS our sins and our hearts and there will be no escaping the Judge in eternity. For this reason everyone needs to know and understand the ENTIRE truth and reality of God’s Holy Word.
This study took many pages to teach the truth of just the first thirty-nine words of The Holy Bible. Why? Because the traditions of man, the lies of Satan and the resistance to the truth is so ingrained in mankind that sometimes it takes more proof to change a false way of thinking than it should. The devices and lies of Satan and the ignorance and false traditions of man has corrupted and confused and robbed us all of the truth. Relearning the truth is what is difficult. It is for this reason I am writing this: To end the lies of Satan and the misconceptions of man.
Ask yourself this: if the beginning of God’s word has been so corrupted by false teachings and lies how many more teachings are wrong? The truth is there if you search, believe, have true faith and trust and ask God for guidance. The Holy Spirit will guide you to the truth if you are truly saved.
Although I feel I am led by the Holy Spirit in this truth, I am by no means overly intelligent or perfect. So I gladly welcome any insight or questions or comments that may lead me to the perfect truth. My only goal is God’s true word and that should be yours as well.
May God bless everyone with knowledge and understanding.
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