Fact 1: The punishment for any sin is death, not death of the flesh body but death of the spiritual body, the final death. (Romans 6:23)
Fact 2: Every person sins and every person deserves death; even just one single sin of lying is punishable by death (spiritual death). (Romans 3:23)
Fact 3: Good deeds or works do NOT erase the sin or relieve anyone from the justice due to each of us. The punishment of death has to be endured. We cannot balance out the sin no matter how many “good deeds” we do. (Ephesians 2:8-9) (Romans 11:6)
Fact 4: Christ Jesus died in the flesh body and received the punishment for everyone that accepts Him as their personal Savior. He endured the punishment that was due us all. (John 3:16)
His blood was the sacrifice that was needed for justice to be satisfied for the sins we all have committed. Our only hope for life is to believe and follow this truth: Jesus gave His life so that we may live and if we believe that He was the Son of God born in a flesh body and sacrificed for our sins and we repent of our sins we will be saved from spiritual death. The only other stipulation is that we love God with all our hearts, minds, strength and souls.
The rest will take care of it’s self.
Other that this there is nothing we can do that will give us life. This is a free gift. This is what is meant by God’s grace: unearned favor, an unearned gift, and unmerited Love from God.
We do not have the promise of another breath in this life so the offer of this free gift can be lost at any time. Satan will whisper in your ear telling you that there is plenty of time to give your life to Christ but that is a lie.
A word of caution here: God knows our hearts and minds and therefore if we do not genuinely love God or give our life to Christ he will know.
Question: how do we know we are truly saved?
Answer: When a person gives his or her life to Christ that person will truly want to do the will of God and to please God. You will begin to hunger for the Word of God. Thoughts and actions will change and outlook on life will finally be clear and your understanding of God will grow day by day. You will notice God working in your life.
Although good works will not get you to heaven once you have true faith in Jesus and a Godly love you will begin to show good works because faith without works is dead. (John 10:37)
It is that simple. It is your choice to reach out and accept the free gift of a truly great and glorious carefree, trouble free, disease free, death free and pain free unending life after this one is over or face true death at the hands of Satan. God will not force His gift on you. May God bless you all with understanding. Pass this along to anyone you love that may not know or understand the truth.
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