All nations of earth have laws and corresponding punishments for those that break the laws. The laws and punishments vary greatly from country to country and sometimes state to state or province to province.
On earth some can be pardoned for their crimes and some not. Punishments are sometimes not the same for the same crimes. On earth some that are innocent are found guilty and vice versa. On earth some are never caught. On earth, especially in the United States, there are loopholes and circumstances that can set the guilty free, in other words judgments and punishments are not always fair or equal or even intelligent. On earth even if someone has never committed a crime they will still die.
Laws and punishments exist to insure society does not enter into total chaos. Punishments range from a beating, amputation up through confinement and all the way to death.
We all die eventually but mankind has ruled that governments can take a life at a time of their choosing. All this is a fact of life on earth.
God’s Law
God has laws also but there are huge differences. Everyone is guilty in God’s law and there is only one punishment for defying any of God’s laws; death. All are guilty and all are caught. Do you think this is terrible news? Yes it is but wait, there is fantastic news! Even though you suffer death on the earth you do not have to suffer death ever again. No one ever has to face the punishment if they so desire. God, in his love, grace and caring allowed someone else to suffer this death for us all and everyone can be pardoned. Yes, there are a few qualifications to meet but they are so simple and easy anyone can qualify.
I am betting you are asking yourself: What or who gives God the right to take lives. God created the life and it is His to take if He so wills. That trumps the claim of governments, they did not create you. God has every right to make the laws He chooses and besides, He has all the power. Deal with it. God knows man cannot keep from being guilty and that is why He made sure you are given a way to avoid punishment. Don’t you think you should praise and love Him for that blessing?
Are there conditions to this promise? Yes, but anyone can meet these conditions, no one is excluded. What are the conditions?
Believe Jesus was the only begotten Son of God and that He was born on the earth in a flesh body to die for our sins.
Love God with all your heart, mind, strength and soul, love your neighbors as you do yourself, ask forgiveness from God, offer forgiveness to those around you and stop doing the sins that you know are sins, hate the sins.
God knows your heart and your mind so never attempt to fool Him; all this has to be genuine. Yes your flesh body will pass away but after that you can live forever. These are the basics but there is more and you can learn the rest from your widely available King James Version of the Holy Bible or your local truth teaching church, beware of phonies. God gives you the tools, knowledge and power to defeat your enemies and see eternity but you must study to understand.
Follow the Bible and I’ll see you in forever.
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