When you know when a birthday or anniversary is you know how long you have to decide on a gift.
When you see the wear on your tires you know it is getting close to time for deciding to get new ones.
When you see a weather forecast you know it is time to decide to wear the appropriate clothing.
All through life we usually know the signs for making decisions but if you never decide to give your life to Christ then you have already made a decision and that is to follow Satan. There are no gray areas when it comes to Heaven or Hell, when you make no decision you have rejected God. God offers you a free gift but you have to reach out and take it, make a decision.
There are usually no signs that your life may end today and if it does it may be too late for the most crucial decision of your life. Would you want that decision to come by default and take the chance of spending eternity in hell? Satan will tell you that there is always tomorrow and maybe years but those are lies because none of us are guaranteed the gift of another breath.
I beg everyone to make that decision today.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
I stand ready to help anyone with questions about their walk with Jesus, the Bible or any other spiritual matter.