Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Figure of Speach Part1

Figure of Speech, Metaphors and Parables.

How God uses words in a beautiful way.

Part 1

In today’s world when we use a figure of speech it is to enhance a story so that it paints a vivid picture in our mind so that we can grasp the enormity of the action or situation and let it sink into our minds much deeper than if the literal plain truth were told. In the Bible when a figure of speech is used it is for this same reason, to use words in a way that expresses the truth more fully than the literal words of truth could convey. This is a fantastic way to convey the truth while at the same time shrouding the literal truth from Satan in a mystery or metaphor.

Let’s start by looking at an example in Genesis 3:15. Where it says “thou shalt bruise His heel” it does not mean a literal bruise on His (Jesus’) flesh and blood heel but a temporary injury that will by no means stop Him (Jesus) from completing His objective. Later in Genesis 3:15 where it says, "It shall bruise thy head" does not mean that He (Jesus) will crush the literal skull, hair, flesh and brain of Satan. This is a much more eloquent way to speak the truth than that a simple literal combination of words. Read on to discover why.

What is in our head, the mind is there. We use our minds to construct plans and plots and to gain what we desire. This figure of speech means that Jesus will crush and end all the plans and plots, policy and purposes that Satan will use to attempt to mar and disrupt the will of God.

Satan first attempted to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, which failed, and then he helped to place Jesus on the cross and Satan believed he had ended the threat from Jesus because at the time Satan thought because Jesus died on the cross that Jesus had failed to fulfill the prophecy where Jesus would “crush his (which is Satan’s) head”. As God intended from the first Satan did “bruise the heel” of Christ but this “bruising” was the very action that crushed the head of the serpent. This is when Jesus destroyed death, which is Satan. Why is this? Sin caused the death of Adam and Eve and therefore all mankind. Now death was destroyed because Jesus paid our debt, which was our death because of our sins. Jesus paid it for all sinners by dying in our place and taking all our sins onto Himself. It is ironic that Satan caused his own demise by “bruising” the heel of Jesus.

Are you beginning to understand figures of speech in the Bible? There is a “boat load” (figure of speech) of examples to come.

Part 2 coming soon.